With the support of the European Union, the first entrepreneurship support and development center opened its doors in Tiraspol. So, young entrepreneurs will benefit from access to information, consultancy, and trainings. €200,000 thousand were provided by the European Union for establishing the Business HUB, through the programme "Confidence Building Measures", implemented by UNDP Moldova.
“We have been waiting for a long time the launch of this Centre. Here we have a wonderful infrastructure for the development of entrepreneurs, where we can offer them consultancy and other services, to unleash their full potential,” notes Zinaida Emilianova, Manager of the Business HUB.
Of 16 available workstations, 12 are already booked by the HUB’s residents, and thus the young entrepreneurs have optimal conditions to pursue the implementation of their business ideas.
“We believe that business ideas, startups, and innovative entrepreneurial spirit are the key drivers which will develop and expand at the Business Hub opened in Tiraspol. The Business Hub will help the creative and tech community to flourish. The co-working spaces will facilitate linkages between entrepreneurs, business support organizations, academia, and consumers. The well-functioning of this Centre will enhance cooperation, so as confidence between stakeholders from both banks of the Nistru river,” declared Jānis Mažeiks, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova
The newly created Business HUB in Tiraspol has not only offices and workspaces for residents, but also a conference room and other infrastructure elements necessary for young entrepreneurs.
“New models of entrepreneurship and industries are in demand among young people, representing about 26% of the population on both banks. Digital, creative, tech, and green jobs are complementing or substituting traditional professions. Thus, it is our priority to support the creation of thriving youth infrastructure projects like the Business HUB by connecting them to the European network of innovation, tech, and creativity labs, that will boost common international projects that will solve beneficiaries’ needs.” — Andrea Cuzyova, Deputy Resident Representative, UNDP Moldova.
The launch of the Business HUB will contribute to the economic development of the region, by training young professionals in new skills and professions of the future. The EU programme “Confidence Building Measures”, implemented by UNDP, contributes to increasing trust between the inhabitants of both banks of the Nistru river by involving them in joint projects.