The EU4Business-EBRD Credit Line in Moldova recently participated in a workshop on ‘Energy Efficiency Financing Tools’, organised by the Energy Efficiency Agency in Chisinau.
The event was organised during Moldova Eco Energetics Days, which took place in Chisinau from 15-18 October, and was attended by national and international experts who presented the financing mechanisms available in the Republic of Moldova for initiating, launching and developing a green energy business.
Among them, the Project Manager of the EU4Business-EBRD Credit Line in Moldova, Giovanni Vaccari, presented this unique financing programme for Moldovan companies wishing to implement energy efficiency and renewable energy projects and wishing to align with EU Directives at the same time.
The EU4Business-EBRD Credit Line is a joint initiative of EU and EBRD to help Moldovan SMEs finance investments, which enable them to seize the opportunities presented by the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA).
The programme offers loans and grant incentives to SMEs through local partner banks, in order to finance investments to achieve compliance with EU rules and standards under the DCFTA, and to help businesses better define those investments and improve their international competitiveness.
Specifically, the credit line provides loans for SME investments in a list of approved technologies (ranging from medical equipment to laser cutting machines), investments in improving product quality and safety of agriculture and food processing sectors as well as for modernisation projects in any industrial or service sector.
The loans amount can vary from around €300,000 up to €3 million and are combined with EU-funded grant incentives of up to 15% of the loan amount provided to an SME.