The OECD has held a workshop in Chisinau on the monitoring of Moldova’s SME Development Strategy, as part of the EU4Business: From Policies to Action project, funded by the European Union.
The workshop, held on 29 November, was organised in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure. It allowed international experts and Moldovan stakeholders involved in the implementation and monitoring of the SME Development Strategy and its 2018-2020 Action Plan to discuss methods to improve monitoring and evaluation processes related to SME reforms.
The first session provided good practice examples and initial assessment of the 2015-2017 monitoring report on the implementation of the SME Development Strategy, as well as recommendations on how to improve the existing monitoring system. The OECD team also provided recommendations on how to strengthen communication of the monitoring and make it accessible to a wider audience.
During the second session, an international expert provided examples on how to set appropriate key performance indicators (KPIs) to better track the progress and impact of SME reforms on the business community. He provided an initial set of KPIs that can be used by relevant authorities to measure the impact of the reforms along the five strategic directions set in the SME Development Strategy 2012-2020.
The open discussion allowed participants to exchange on how to use the tools and examples presented in order to improve the existing monitoring system in Moldova and how to adjust the 2018-2020 Action Plan to better facilitate monitoring and evaluation of the progress achieved.
The workshop gathered around 40 participants from the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, Ministry of Agriculture, National Bank of Moldova, ODIMM, National Bureau of Statistics and other institutions involved in the implementation and monitoring of the SME Development Strategy 2012-2020.
The EU4Business: From Policies to Action project is implemented by the OECD and supports competitiveness and business environment reforms in the Eastern Partnership countries, working both at country and at regional level.