Two new business clusters have been launched in the southern and northern regions of the Republic of Moldova, with the support of the European Union. They concern creative industries in Cahul and textile companies in Soroca, and offer the opportunity to bring businesses together to develop joint projects.
The creation of the two clusters was carried out by the Organisation for the Development of the Small and Medium Enterprises Sector (ODIMM) through the EU Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument (TAIEX). The clusters were launched at a special workshop on cluster policy and support for cluster initiatives.
Speaking at the event, Petru Gurgurov, interim director general of ODIMM, said this model for collaboration was very important for the business environment, especially SMEs, and would contribute to jobs and growth in local communities.
“The creation of clusters in key industries with high potential for growth - the textile and creative industries in Soroca and Cahul - will give a new impetus to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the regions. ODIMM encourages effective collaboration models between business and decision-makers to contribute directly to increased performance, productivity and visibility,"said Peter Gurgurov.
The State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, Iulia Costin, described clusters as a driver for economic development: “The multiplication of clusters in the regions will contribute to the acceleration of innovation-based economic processes and will support the development of priority sectors of the national economy, which have the potential to generate high added value.”
The CREATIV Regional Cluster Settlement Agreement in Cahul was signed by 12 members representing the business community, professional schools and local authorities. Cluster Coordinator Anatol Nebunu, Director of the Cahul Business Centre, welcomed the support from ODIMM and the European Union: “The cluster's mission is to stimulate the development of the creative industry and to increase competitiveness among companies to bring added value to entrepreneurs in the southern region,” he said.
The SORINTEX Textile Cluster in Soroca brings together 38 founding members. Cluster manager Andrei Mârza welcomed the effort made to support the sector and said the new cluster would become the promoter of the textile industry in the northern region of the Republic of Moldova.
Members of the clusters will benefit from advantages including:
- strategic cooperation opportunities with other companies and service providers;
- joint marketing at local, regional, national and international level, joint participation in national and international fairs;
- direct and timely access to information and services;
- introduction to new technologies, new ideas and knowledge to diversify and improve the quality of the services provided;
- improved access to public and private funds.
The event was a valuable platform for an open dialogue, where new collaborative models were discussed that would accelerate economic development by revitalising key sectors and providing the necessary environment for research, innovation and regional development.
"The EU supports the development of the SME sector in the Republic of Moldova. Clusters help to develop the economic potential of regions, create new jobs, new products and new businesses,"said Gintautas Baranauskas, representative of the EU Delegation.
Support for SME development is a key priority of the EU4Business initiative, which supports government efforts by improving access to finance, helping SMEs move into foreign markets and providing training to build up business skills.