Useful resources

The Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization (MDED) is the central body authorized to promote state policy in the field of economy and coordinate the economic development of the Republic of Moldova. The Ministry’s mission is to ensure the growth of the national economy by optimizing the regulatory framework for entrepreneurial activity, creating the conditions for the development of the business environment, technological development and ensuring competitiveness, creating an attractive investment environment, contributing to the actions of demonopolization of the internal market and elimination of anti-competitive practices, as well as through international economic cooperation.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova (CCI) is the largest business association in Moldova, which brings together over 1100 members, large, small and medium enterprises from all branches of the economy, includes 10 branches that provide the necessary assistance to companies, legal entities and natural persons, from the entire territory of the country.
ODA is a public institution subordinated to the Ministry of Economy with the mission to support the development of the domestic entrepreneurial environment, including small and medium enterprises, by promoting entrepreneurial culture, providing financial and technical assistance to companies, issuing financial and state guarantees, and providing business support infrastructure.
European Business Association Moldova is an impact organization aimed at promoting private business between the European Union and Moldova by constructively contributing to the improvement of Moldova’s business environment, capacity building, business support and the encouragement of business conduct based on European values and practices.
Moldova Trade Information Portal (M-TIP) is designed to provide transparency and predictability of trade regulations and procedures and in doing so, enhance compliance and reduce the costs of doing business for external trade.
AIM is a non-governmental, membership-based business association. FSEA’s members are small & medium-sized businesses working in the Republic of Moldova. Its members work together as allies through networking, resourcing, advocacy, and other initiatives to encourage and protect the development and growth through sharing common principles.
(AFAM) is an NGO created in 2013 and has the mission to support the growth of women's potential in entrepreneurship and management in the Republic of Moldova.

AFAM promotes the assertion of women entrepreneurs and women in leadership positions as an important factor in local and national economic development through:

- encouraging and promoting women who want to start their own businesses;
- supporting the development and growth of women-owned companies;
- increasing the number of women in leadership positions at different levels;
- contributing to the development of a favorable business ecosystem for women.
The American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova (AmCham Moldova) is a non-governmental non-profit organization comprising 171 members from a diverse spectrum of businesses; from large foreign investors to small enterprises, that operate domestically and abroad. Its mission is to promote local investments in Moldova and to work with the Moldovan government and business leaders to foster a more favorable business climate in Moldova.
Invest Moldova Agency is a reliable cooperation partner for domestic and foreign investors in development projects that expand globally. Its mission is to implement state economic policies in mandated areas of activity which will contribute to the growth of the national economy by establishing public-private partnerships.
The platform includes comprehensive information about the whole range of public services that can be accessed by all citizens of the Republic of Moldova, representatives of the business community or any interested person.
The State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) is a central administrative authority subordinated to the Government, responsible for promoting and implementing activities in the field of legal protection of intellectual property related to industrial property rights, copyright and related rights.
The Agency for Intervention and Payments in Agriculture (AIPA) was established in 2010 with the aim to promote the sustainable development of Moldova’s agriculture and to ensure the wellbeing of its rural areas. AIPA is an administrative authority under the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment tasked to manage financial resources to support agricultural producers, monitoring of funds’ distribution, quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the impact of support measures to farmers by the state.
The place where people connect with ideas, resources, science and industry to enhance excellence in IT.
The Council was assigned the mission to facilitate the dialogue between the representatives of the business environment, donors’ community and policy makers so as to develop a favorable social-economic climate and non-discriminatory, transparent business environment, which would be attractive for investment.
The Network (RIAM) was created with the financial and technical support of the European Union and is a cooperation platform established on the basis of a voluntary agreement of the participants to enhance the role of business incubators in economic development and their recognition at national and international level.
The National Agency for Food Safety (ANSA) is the administrative authority with national activity responsible for implementing the state policy in the field of regulation and control for food safety and in the sanitary-veterinary, zootechnical, plant protection and phytosanitary quarantine, seed control, quality of primary products, food and feed.
ARTCOR - Creative Industries Center is set to become a place for developing the environment of creative industries of Moldova.
The National Office of Vine and Wine (ONVV) is a public institution, organised via a public-private policy implementation partnership in the wine industry. The purpose of the ONVV is to contribute to the recognition and promotion of quality Moldovan wine abroad.
Moldexpo is a modern exhibition centre, contributing to the development of international trade, to the implementation of national projects, the expansion of economic relations between countries and the promotion of domestic products through exhibitions and fairs.
National Agency for Research and Development (NARD) is a central administrative authority under the Government of the Republic of Moldova. NARD is responsible for the implementation of the research, innovation and development of national policy, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 and other European Programmes and the coordination of Moldovan Office for Science and Technology in Brussels (MOST).
Startup Moldova is a non-profit organization, founded by the National Association of ICT Companies (ATIC), with the aim of accelerating the economic growth of Moldova and increasing the well-being of its society by developing the ecosystem of start-ups and digital innovations.
The Office for the Management of External Assistance Programs (OMEAP) (originally called the Credit Line Directorate) was established in 1995 within the National Bank of Moldova in order to implement the credit line granted for private sector development, financed by the World Bank. The Office's mission is to coordinate and organize activities aimed at ensuring the implementation of public policies in the areas of competence.
The National Erasmus+ Office in Moldova (NEO) is the organisation that assists the European Commission, the Executive Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA), as well the national authorities in the implementation of the Erasmus+ Programme. NEO Moldova is the focal point for the stakeholders involved in the Erasmus+ Programme in the field of higher education and vocational education and training. NEO Moldova contributes to improving awareness, visibility, relevance, effectiveness and impact of the international dimension of Erasmus+.
The Moldovan network of National Contact Points (NCPs) is the main structure to provide guidance, practical information and assistance on all aspects of participation in Horizon Europe.
The Danube Transnational Programme is a financing instrument of the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC). The Programme (DTP) stimulates innovation and entrepreneurship, preserves the natural and cultural heritage of the Danube region, improves connectivity and support the transition towards a low-carbon economy.
The National Employment Agency is an executive agency to the Minister of Labour and Social Protection, empowered to ensure the implementation of the policy in the field of employment promotion, labor migration and unemployment insurance.
The "Center for Agricultural and Rural Counseling" is a Public Institution which mission is to ensure the development of agricultural and rural advisory services for the needs of farmers, allowing them easy access to technical-economic, financial, managerial information, training programs and rural development programs.
The Moldovan Association of ICT Companies (ATIC) brings together companies from the information technology and communications sector and aims to strengthen the competitiveness of the ICT industry in Moldova and promote it as a key factor in the country's economic growth and sustainable development.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Moldova-China is an organization dedicated to strengthening economic and commercial relations between the Republic of Moldova and China.
The National LEADER Network is the association that aims to promote the LEADER approach in the Republic of Moldova, representing and supporting the interests of the Local Action Groups (LAG). The organisation contributes to the development of rural areas of the Republic of Moldova, being involved in the processes of elaboration and implementation of the LEADER approach, establishing partnerships at the regional, national and international levels, creating and facilitating the favourable environment for the interaction and development of the Moldovan LAGs.
With more than 180 members, the Fruit Producers and Exporters Association of Moldova, also known as “Moldova Fruct,” is the largest association dedicated to advancing the horticultural sector in the Republic of Moldova.
The Agency for the Development and Modernization of Agriculture is financially supporting the Moldovan farmers willing to exploit the full potential of the new generation technologies and invest in solutions that might accelerate the sustainable growth of agricultural productivity.
Moldova Innovation Technology Park (MITP) was established in 2018 and now hosts over 1800 active residents, more than 250 of which are foreign capital companies from over 40 countries such as the USA, Romania, Germany, UK, Russia, Italy, Ukraine, France, and the Netherlands. The foreign capital companies in MITP operate in a variety of sectors, including software development, data processing, web administration, and IT consultancy and specialized design. Thanks to the favorable business environment within MITP, park residents contribute 5% to the GDP, and tech service exports account for 90% of the total turnover of MITP residents.
The Association of Business and Management Consultants from Moldova (ACAM) is a non-governmental organization which mission is to develop the business and management consulting sector in Moldova and to promote high professional and ethical standards in the field.
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